A Blast from the Past …

These are the staff and campers of the first session (of 2) during the summer of 1963 who gathered in front of the north side of the old dining hall to pose for this photo. Clyde Sloan (in the suit at the very right), who was the Bible Chair Director at Cameron College in Lawton, OK was the Camp Director with Don Ray Williams (beside Clyde Sloan) acting as Co-Director. Some of us may still remember that old dining hall, but there aren’t many who still remember that old white siding!

Feel free to play Lu-Jo’s version of “Where’s Waldo” which we like to call,  “Find Bill Mayes!” Who else can you recognize in this photo? We’d love to names with every face so please Contact Us to let us know who you remember!

(click photo for larger size)


Former camper shines on national television!

Take a look at this video and you might just recognize a certain stage (before it was painted white)!

Camp Lu-Jo alum Halie Hilburn from Vernon, TX advanced from the Oklahoma City auditions of the popular television show American Idol during it’s January 31st broadcast. Although her performance from Hollywood wasn’t aired she is grateful for such a great experience and plans on releasing a single soon.

Who can remember watching Halie and Oscar perferm during KISMIF Kapers?

Sources:  this Oklahoma Christian News Release, American Idol video archives, Halie’s AI Facebook Page

2013 Camp Sessions Set

JUMP WEEK:  June 2-8, 2013  —  CAMP DIRECTOR:  Robert Paul Gregg
FOR:  Teens Entering 9th – 12th Grades  (Including just graduated Seniors)

PEAK WEEK:  June 9-15, 2013  —  CAMP DIRECTOR:  Steve Gregg
FOR:  Young People Entering 4th – 12th Grades

DAY CAMP:  June 10-12, 2013  —  CAMP DIRECTOR:  Janet Bergner
FOR:  Young People Entering 1st -4th Grade

SUPER WEEK:  June 16-22, 2013  —  CAMP DIRECTOR:  Bill D. Mayes
FOR:  Young People Entering 4th – 6th Grades

REAL WEEK:  June 23 – 29, 2013  —  CAMP DIRECTOR:  Chris King
FOR:  Young People Entering 7th – 12th Grades  (Including just graduated Seniors)

STARS WEEK:  June 30 – July 6, 2013  —  CAMP DIRECTOR:  Rodger Schwenn
FOR:  Young People Entering 7th – 12th Grades  (Including graduated Seniors)