Lu-Jo Fundraising Dinner and Gala Set

Plan to be at Camp Saturday, April 17, 2010

Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF is hosting an “Evening at Lu-Jo”, a time of fun, fellowship and FUNdraising!

The evening is designed to allow everyone to enjoy Camp’s past, present and future – visit with old friends and meet new Lu-Jo supporters.  Please plan to join us.  Here’s a special note from the Camp Directors:

“Let us take a moment and share with you why you need to be there for this special evening, and why we, the camp directors, have committed our support to Lu-Jo.

Many of us camp directors have been involved with Lu-Jo since we were kids.  We can all attribute much of spiritual development and growth from our time spent as campers, staff and even as directors.  We have been blessed to watch our friends and families enjoy the Lu-Jo experience and learn valuable life lessons.   Lu-Jo holds a special place in all our hearts and that is why we are reaching out to our Lu-Jo supporters, alumni and friends.  Lu-Jo needs your help!

The Board of Directors has embarked upon a fundraising campaign to raise $20,000.  This money will be used to repair and replace our water storage tank and the water delivery system.  This “Water Works” project must be completed before we can begin camp this summer.  And time is of the essence, as the first week of camp is just around the corner beginning on June 6!

With your help, we will celebrate the conclusion of our fundraising portion of the Lu-Jo Water Works Project on April 17 at the “Evening at Lu-Jo”.  This event will be held at Lu-Jo and begin at 5 pm, with dinner at 6pm.  We will have a mini-auction, some great entertainment (including a Kaper or two), and fantastic food.

The dollars that you and I give to Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF go directly to facility improvements and camp sessions.  The need for our support is greater than ever.  Each time you and I give to Camp Lu-Jo our gifts are multiplied countless times over as campers, who are blessed by Lu-Jo today, become the Christian leaders of tomorrow.

Please call Janna Lee at (940) 632-5565 or email her  at to reserve your spot at “An Evening at Lu-Jo.”  We look forward to seeing you!  Thank you for your support and especially your prayers.


The 2010 Camp Lu-Jo Session Directors:

Robert P. Gregg, Steve Gregg, Bill Mayes, Chris King, & Rodger Schwenn”