
Dear Camp Lu-Jo Kismif Family,

The Board of Directors of Camp Lu-Jo Kismif wish to thank everyone for your partnership in prayer and in this work of teaching the Gospel.  The Lord has richly blessed us in many ways!

As a non-profit organization, the operation of Camp Lu-Jo is only partially funded by camper fees.  Because of generous donations from individuals, families, and churches, Camp Lu-Jo is able to continue and keep this ministry going.  Your support will work to bring God’s Word to young people and their families through summer Bible camps, retreats, and other various events.  With your help, Camp Lu-Jo will continue to be a unique tool in the spreading of the Gospel so please consider helping any way you are able.

In Christian love and for our King,
Camp Lu-Jo Kismif Board of Directors

YOU are vital to continuing Lu-Jo’s important work with young people! Here’s how:

Use AmazonSmile!

Every time you order through Amazon, start at instead of the usual home page.  The first time you use AmazonSmile, use the “pick your own charitable organization” search bar to search for Camp Lu Jo and then select the entry entitled “Camp Lu-Jo Inc” of Lawton, OK to set it as your current charity.  Be sure to bookmark and use it every time you order from Amazon instead of their main homepage so camp can benefit from this great resource!  Currently only purchases made through an internet browser will result in a charitable donation so please use the internet browser on your mobile devices rather than an app.  Just think how much this will add up if every person that loves Lu-Jo generates these donations year!



Use PayPal!

Any amount you can donate is so appreciated and goes directly to the operation and upkeep of camp!  Camp Lu-Jo Kismif is a private, non-profit organization, so its entire operation must be privately funded.  For convenience, you can contribute directly to Camp Lu-Jo by clicking on the PayPal “Donate” button below.  Every little bit adds up – thank you for your support!

Send a contribution!

Direct support can be sent to: Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF PO  Box  2232 Lawton, OK  73502 For more information, please contact us.

Buy A Brick

Follow this link to learn more about Lu-Jo’s engraved brick program!


Donate an Item on Camp’s Need List!

Here are some things camp needs:

*Tractor – The many acres of Lu-Jo can be very wearing on our mowers so Lu-Jo is looking for a used tractor with a brush-hog attachment.

* 16 foot flat bed trailer – we have a lot things to move and change around;  we need one in good condition that we can use to haul things.

* Tractor with front-end loader – there is a lot of work that needs to be done around camp in which we could use a tractor with a front-end loader.  Remember, we have 250 acres and there are a lot of things to be done to open camp and keep it going.   Small gifts make a difference, too!  Here are some more items camp can use:

* Pots and pans – we mean BIG pots and pans, not little ones.  Our cooks are feeding hundreds which requires large catering/restaurant sized cookware. You may give these to any board member or drop them off at the the Chisholm Church of Christ in Duncan, OK or the Northwest Church of Christ in Lawton, OK.

If you have any questions about whether or not Lu-Jo could use something that you have to offer, please e-mail the us at: